7¼″ Gauge Society


For several years the Society has been encouraging our youngsters to become more involved in our hobby, starting the now very popular Junior Jottings section in our "News" magazine and also holding Juniors events.  We now hold Junior days  where they can run their engines or just join in the fun of operating a railway. Look out in this section or the EVENTS lists for a Junior day near you

These events not only encouraged youngsters to drive safely but give them great pleasure, confidence and encouragement.

As it is not always possible for youngsters to travel long distances to a venue we are looking for other organisations to hold similar events.

Encouraging youngsters to become involved in our hobby not only ensures its continuation but gives them worth while enjoyment.

If your organisation would like to hold an event  please contact the co-ordinator at proficiency@sevenandaquarter.org we would love to hear from you.

Click here to join The Seven and a Quarter Gauge Society